Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Blam: Various Disgraces Song Lyrics

The lyrics may not be perfect
If you find an error, please notify me
Especially where the question marks are

Various Disgraces

Before you put your feet up on that couch
Remember who you are
A lot of sound comes out that mouth
It's hard to swallow hard
You might be my enemy
If you persist various disgraces
And if I made a list you would be last

Oh, you wear me out,
and there is nothing I can do
Nothing at all
Oh, you wear me out,
and there is nothing I can do
Nothing at all

Before you put that foot into your mouth
Remember who you are
It's killing me to see you in that chair
Reminds me of who's not there
You might be my enemy
If you persist various disgraces
And if I made a list you would be last

Oh, you wear me out,
and there is nothing I can do
Nothing at all
Oh, you wear me out,
and there is nothing I can do
Nothing at all

Oh you wear me out,
and there is nothing I can do
Nothing at all
Oh you wear me out
and there is nothing I can do
Nothing at all

Oh! You! Wear! Me! Out!
and there is nothing I can do
Nothing at all
Oh, You wear me out
and there is nothing I can do
Nothing at all

Before you put your feet up on that couch
Remember who you are

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Do we have freewill?

Do we, as human beings on this earth, have freewill? God created us. Does that mean he created absolutely everything about us? Even our thoughts, feelings, and actions?

One arguement that came up was you can't create something without creating every aspect of that creation. So, since God created us he has created our thoughts, and actions. I don't believe this to be true. You can create something and not create every aspect of it. Robots are a very good example. You can create something and program it to make its own decisions base on its own experiences.

I believe God created us because he was lonely. He was here before time, with who? I don't think anyone. He wanted something to love him, because everyone wants to be loved, well most people do. He created us with freewill. You can't force someone to love you because it wouldn't be true love. You can try to make someone love you, but it has to be their decision whether or not to.

God loves us, so why doesn't he save us all? That's a hard question. Parents are a good example here. I was raised in a Christian home all my life. I know my parents love me a lot. They want me to go to church, but they won't force me to. They leave it up to me. They know the consequences I will suffer if I don't stay a Christian and I know they don't want me to follow that path. There is no way for them to force me to. They can try to help me get on the right path, but it is soley my decision. God is the same way. He will do anything to get us on the right path to salvation, but he will not force us.

God knows the future. So he knows our destiny. But this doesn't mean he decided for us. He will open doors of oportunity for us to choose whether or not to go through. We choose. He has a plan for all of us but it's up to us whether we want to follow that plan or go our way.

Yes, we have freewill.